Medium Term Management Planのイメージ


Management Policy

Medium-Term Management Plan

With “Sincerity and Creativity” as the group creed, and based on the management philosophies of contributing to society, advanced customer service, and sharing value, we will not only create new value through the provision of IT services, but also actively work on the growth and success of our diverse human resources, which are the source of our growth, as well as the DX personnel development in and outside the company, in order to continuously enhance corporate value.

Medium-Term Management Plan

Under the Medium-Term Management Plan Rolling Plan (FY2025/6 to FY2027/6), we will expand our business through aggressive investment in human capital by positioning the cloud integration business as a pillar of growth under the medium-term theme of “Growth and Creation of Further Innovation”.At the same time, we will strengthen sustainability management and contribute to regional business expansion and economic revitalization through DX human resource development.

Medium-Term Management Indicators

Medium-Term Management Indicators

Medium-Term Theme

Growth and Creation of Further Innovation

Expansion of services that form the foundation of DX promotion for customers and society

Amid the growing momentum for the advancement of DX, the group will focus on the cloud integration business, which will serve as the foundation for customer and societal advancement of DX. In addition to existing cloud services, we will quickly deploy AI-related and new overseas services in the Japanese market.

Expansion of services that form the foundation of DX promotion for customers and societyの画像
Growth and Success of Diverse Human Resources

Positioning human resources as the source of business growth, we aim to create new corporate value through “Active recruitment and promotion of diverse human resources," “Human resource development," and “Comfortable working environment."

Growth and Success of Diverse Human Resourcesの画像
Strengthening Sustainability Management

We will expand local business through DX human resource development, aiming to revitalize the economy and comply with the revised Corporate Governance Code.

Strengthening Sustainability Managementの画像

Shareholder Returns Policy

Our basic profit distribution policy is to continue to pay progressive dividends to shareholders and increase the level of dividends in accordance with our performance and profit level, while investing in future growth and strengthening our management structure.
