One of System Support Group’s management philosophies, “Sharing Value,” aims to create environment in which our employees can fully demonstrate their abilities, which serves as a rich platform for their prosperity and success.
Respecting the diverse personalities and values of each employee is essential to creating an environment in which they can work with vigor and enthusiasm, and also for meeting the increasingly diverse needs of our customers.
We believe that a diverse workforce is the source of growth for our business, and we will continue to promote initiatives for the growth and success of a diverse workforce.
Representative Director Ryoji Koshimizu
Initiatives for the growth and success of diverse human resources
Note: This page focuses on the initiatives of our core business, System Support Inc.
Work-Life Balance Support Initiatives for Childcare, Nursing Care, etc.
We are working to create a comfortable work environment and workplace culture that allows employees to balance work and family life, taking into consideration a variety of circumstances.
In order to support the balance between childcare and work for our employees, we have an extensive system that exceeds the requirements of the law, including shorter working hours that can be applied until the child reaches the beginning of elementary school and special leave for childcare.In addition, to encourage male employees to take childcare leave and facilitate their return to work, we are working to raise awareness of the importance of creating a workplace where both men and women can contribute to childcare and work.The Parental leave uptake rate is 66.7% (56.8% for men and 93.8% for women) (actual results for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024).
In addition, starting 2023 we have introduced a remote work system that allows employees to continue working remotely even if they need to live in a remote area outside the commuting area due to special circumstances such as childcare or nursing care.
To support families attempting to have children (including infertility treatment), we have introduced a Family Support Leave system.We have also established a consultation service for employees undergoing (or wishing to undergo) fertility treatment to discuss work-life balance, and we are making efforts to ensure that employees are aware of the system to protect employee privacy and prevent harassment.
We will continue to strive to create an environment where our employees can continue to work in harmony with their private lives. -
Initiatives for the Advancement and Promotion of Women in the Workplace
In aiming to increase the ratio of women in management positions, we are first working to increase the ratio of women among all employees.
LGBTQ+ Efforts
The prohibition of discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation is clearly stated in the Basic Sustainability Policy, and the LGBTQ+ Handbook and Guidelines on Sexual Diversity have been created and shared internally.Likewise, we are working to create a safe working environment for all employees by, for example, ensuring that the definitions of “marriage” and “spouse” in employment regulations include same-sex marriages and de facto marriages.
Efforts for the Employment of People with Disabilities
With the aim of creating employment opportunities for diverse human resources, we employ people with disabilities at each of our locations and have introduced Cordiale Farm, a service that supports the employment of people with disabilities, to create jobs for people with disabilities living in rural areas.In addition, the Orchid Farm Project is meant to create employment opportunities for people with disabilities and support independence through social contribution and cooperation between agriculture and welfare. Phalaenopsis orchids are sold on the System Support Orchid Online Shop, a special e-commerce site operated by System Support.Through the sales of orchids grown by people with disabilities, we hope to support the independence of the disabled and help the purchasers contribute to the betterment of society.