Environment (E)のイメージ

TOP Sustainability Environment (E)



We will contribute to environmental conservation through the provision of IT services, as well as work to improve the efficiency of resource utilization and reduce the environmental impact of our business activities in order to make a decarbonized society a reality.

Tackling Climate Change

The System Support Group is implementing activities to reduce CO₂ emissions through the use of renewable energy and other means. We are also working to improve our disclosure system and CDP score in line with TCFD.

TCFD Disclosures


The System Support Group has established a Sustainability Committee, chaired by the Representative Director, to consider and implement measures concerning sustainability. It meets in principle once every six months.
The Committee plans, examines, and formulates measures related to sustainability, including measures to address climate change, and promotes activities to realize the Basic Sustainability Policy. The activities of the Committee are reported to the Board of Directors, which provides supervision and guidance for the realization of the Basic Sustainability Policy.
During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, the Committee met twice to discuss the topics outlined below. It also reported to the Board of Directors twice.

*Activities prior to 2024 are those undertaken by the Sustainability Committee established at System Support Inc.

Month Held Topics of Discussion

November 2023

  • Setting objectives related to human capital
  • Reporting on climate change measures

June 2024

  • Amendments to the Basic Sustainability Policy
  • Setting objectives related to human capital
  • Reporting on climate change measures
  • Sustainability web page update

Risk Management

The System Support Group has a Sustainability Committee that discusses risks and opportunities related to sustainability, including climate change.Specifically, we identify and assess sustainability-related risks and opportunities by examining the impacts of the value chain both in the group as a whole and including suppliers and customers involved in Group businesses, as well as examining the value demanded by various stakeholders, such as investors and society.
Sustainability-related risks identified and assessed by the Sustainability Committee are also reported to the Risk Management Committee for company-wide risk management.

Risk Management